Chapter 20 – Developing a Successful Personal Training Business

Providing uncompromising customer service

Personal trainers must never think of a client as an interruption. Some clients have many questions and might ask them in inconvenient times but you never want to give a bad impression. They are priority and are the reason an entire business was built. Be sure that you build a good impression on the professional relationship being created. Vocal tone, verbal communication and even body language are key factors in this. Presenting yourself in the correct matter will give them the personal trainer they want to have. If for any reason they might have a complaint or suggestion about anything in training or personal attitude, take ownership, fix it and show them they were heard and understood.


Know who your customers are

One thing you should take into account is that you are your own product. Everywhere you go you represent your personal training brand. So never overlook anyone because everyone is a potential client. Don’t be afraid to greet or approach potential clients on your day to day routines. Greet everyone you come across and make eye contact, always carry yourself with confidence and open body language so people feel that they can approach you. If you already have in mind who you would xenical fda like to work with, such as teen, college students, mothers, fathers, male, female, and many others, present yourself to their liking. Make sure to put yourself in the environment where your potential clients will be. Getting out there and being approachable will pay off in the long run, never be afraid to sell yourself because you know the value of the work you do.


Ten steps to success

Number one thing you must do is create a plan in where you know how much you need to work. How many clients do you need? How much will I charge? People might think these are simple questions to answer but when this becomes your career you need to sit down and think some questions through. What times schedule do you want to work? I much money do I need to survive? How will I get my clients? These are just a few questions you need to start thinking about. Make a plan, set your questions up by importance and build your plan from the answers you have. Be sure to memorize the ten steps from the book as a test question will be asked about it.